Monday, February 22, 2010


Reflection, somber and thoughtful contemplation that is what this season of the year is all about. I would like to make a wild statement and say this, I have been in reflection and somber, thoughtful contemplation for at least the last four years of my life. Frankly, it is not all that it has cracked up to be. God and I have an ongoing conversation, sort of a streaming video is how I like to think of it. So to set aside this 40 days to just be sober and reflective seems rather redundent to me. I have given some thought to this process, the dark before the joy and brillence of Easter and I am going to give it up..that is what I am giving UP for Lent. Instead of adding things to my life that I do not want to do I am going to do more of what I love to do. I am going to spend more time with my friends and my family. I am going to embrace painting, and go for as many walks with Abby as I can. When Easter arrives it will be a joyful time but it is time to be joyful now.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Subject is Trees.

For some time now I have been considering trees as a subject to draw. They are without a doubt deceptively difficult to draw. Yesterday as I was driving home at twilight I had a chance to observe many beautiful examples of the majestic pecan without their showy dressing of leaves and greenery. I much prefer them stark and bare as this is the time when you can see how sturdy, yet delicate they are. In the cool twilight when the sun is fading and the sky is blueish purple the branches reach out and twist and turn in such a graceful dance. I have decided that I do indeed prefer the tree in it's natural state.