Sunday, December 14, 2008

Deck the halls!

Here she is now! Almost three and ready to help decorate the tree. Abby was a big help this year, she was happy to see each ornament come out of it's wrapping paper and she exclaimed"How pretty" to every single one!! If Josh, Sophia and Emily could have been here with us it would have been a perfect day indeed!! Merry Christmas time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where did the time go? Abby and I went to see Santa today and she would not have a thing to do with him. Here she is a couple of years ago and she looks pretty darn happy...and pretty! I loved the dress she is wearing. What a great gift pictures are! I love to look back and of course make new ones as well. Tonight Sophia and Josh are off with their sweet mother to see a Christmas show. I hope they are making fabuous memories. I cherish my memories, they are so special, better than pictures! Happy Christmas season.